Nada Nada

2023 優勝獎Second Prize
R009 曾芳琳Tseng, Fang Lin


靈感來源 / 設計理念

Nada是西班牙文Nothing的意思 即是空無,取自海明威的《一個乾淨明亮的地方》做延伸,“世物皆空,人也不例外。需要的,不過是光,還有某些程度的乾淨與秩序罷了”。在這個社會每個人都背負著自己的壓力和煩惱,有時我們只是希望能有一個乾淨明亮的地方喘息。

Concept / Inspiration

In Spanish, Nada means “nothing”. I was inspired by A Clean, Well-Lighted Place written by Hemingway. “It was all a nothing and a man was nothing too. It was only that and light was all it needed and a certain cleanness and order.” In this overwhelming society, we all have our pressures and problems to solve. Sometimes, all we need is a place where it is bright and clean for us to take a rest.





The collection is presented with human-made leather mainly, with a few printed fabrics. It gives an overall white tone, which fits the theme of cleanness. Using yarns that I used from previous works to add more textures to the leather, I hope it can bring warmness to this collection. As for the shapes and cuts, they are simple but sharp.

According to the idea of my design, I would like to make people have a sense of tranquil when they see the collection. Moreover, this collection would demonstrate a different vibe from the complicated beauty standards in the fashion industry nowadays.