Top for Japan's TORSO to reduce scrap and maximum retained the original outline. While reduce the cutting line and both easy to sewing, retains the design and modify maximum flexibility. So from the sleeve and the sleeve to disturb intersection point downward vertical segmentation. It is concluded that contains the former under the body and connecting sleeve of sleeves to insert, on the edge of danger, to deconstruct the body closer to the rectangle. In addition according to the adjusted size of the edge inserts, the maximum dimension was modified under the minimum change profile. According to the calculation, each plate was calculated as the maximum dimension rectangle without considering the matching of flowers and fabric patterns. The cloth consumption was reduced by 24% in total.
And bottom with the less cutting line and using live fold and insert design, make the pants fit men and women different waist-to-hip ratio. Use skirt pattern plus crotch to merge clipping line to insert pocket insert. Let structure make the outline intact to the greatest extent. And adjust to the flank insert to match different waist-to-hip ratio. The other bottom from the basic of five splicing pants down to three splicing.