和光同塵 Harmonize Its Glare, Unite Its Dust

2022 入圍Finalist
R008 黃詠琪Huang, Yung Chi


靈感來源 / 設計理念

靈感發想自老子 - 道德經 :「挫其銳,解其紛,和其光,同其塵。」 收斂自己驕傲的銳氣,擺脫紛亂萬象的迷惑,調和自己的光輝,把心放進塵世裡,沈浮於塵世的流動,感受並接納廣大的萬物。

Concept / Inspiration

Laozi, The Tao Te Ching, chapter 4 and chapter 56 “Blunt its sharpness, unravel its tangles; harmonize its glare, unite its dust.”
To be moderated: release from the confusion from everything in the world; reconcile yourself and devote yourself to the real world; feel the floating in the world; accept the vast area in the university; try to translate to the mortal life.




The creative concept of the collection wants to present the earth that coexists with all things and cherish our life, and cherish the resources we have. The whole series is combined with knitting, computer knitting, and printed fabrics. The pattern is mostly made of woven rectangular cloth with slight changes, the waste production is cut and cut, and the yarns including the yarns are all made of stock yarns. Before the production of printed fabrics, computer simulation is performed to calculate the amount of fabric used to reduce waste. With the concept of glare and dust, the printed fabric presents the state of light and shadow, while the knitted fabric combines different yarns to present the figurative dust particles, dust, and abstract earthly concepts of dust.