芮氏 8.0 Richter 8.0

2021 入圍Finalist
R313 陳家慶Chen, Chia Ching


靈感來源 / 設計理念

靈感:發想來自台灣 921 大地震,地震後很多的建築物鋼筋外露變形,板塊錯位嚴重,想表達內部的結 構重要性,沒有這些步驟任何建築物可能都很容易毀壞。地震發生後,許多破碎的結構已經移動並改變 了它們的預定位置。 我試圖將這種感覺扭曲和位移帶到服裝中,以此來強調基本框架的重要性。



Concept / Inspiration

Taiwan was rocked by a massive 7.7 earthquake known as “Jíjí dìzhèn” that left a huge wake of destruction throughout the island and emotional scars that remain till today. The country was a mess of shattered concrete, exposed and deformed steel bars and the collapsed silhouette of buildings. With this collection I have expressed the importance of internal structure and framework in order to create stability and support and combined this framework with the raw elements of tailoring to represent the shattered exposed structure of the buildings. Following the earthquake there were many broken structures that had moved and shifted their intended position. I have tried to bring this feeling distortion and displacement to the clothing as a way to emphasize the importance of a foundational framework. The earth crust has been compressed by the plates shifting and building pressure for a long time. The appearance of seismic faults is dynamic but the most important thing is the structure inside.


永續時尚是未來的服裝趨勢,很多的大品牌還是沒有做到,我覺得永續不一定是環保,他可能是一種循 環,一種延續生命。以素面布料作為主布料,以環保作為前提,因為印花可能造成河川污染,也取用一 些廢布當作布料,用最節省布料的排版方式剪裁,這樣也能減少環境污染,達到廢物循環再利用延續生 命的功能性,以一套服裝能有多樣變化穿著,衣服應該被慎重地重複穿著,萬一損壞了就會修改或者再 設計,當衣服不再被需要時,可以考慮捐贈到慈善機構或轉贈親友,再不然送到二手店,盡量延長衣物 的壽命可以重新投入生產線中被製成新的衣服。還有,比起購買新衣服,每個人都應該先考慮租借、舊 衣交換、二手。


Sustainable fashion is the future clothing trend. Many big brands still have not done it. I think sustainability is not necessarily environmental protection. It may be a kind of cycle, a kind of continuation of life. Use plain fabric as the main fabric and take environmental protection as the prerequisite. Because printing may cause river pollution, some waste fabrics are also used as fabrics and cut with the most fabric -saving typesetting method, which can also reduce environmental pollution and achieve waste recycling. Life -sustaining functionality. A set of clothing can be worn in various changes. The clothing should be carefully repeated. If it is damaged, it will be modified or redesigned. When the clothing is no longer needed, you can consider donating to charity or Give it to relatives and friends, or send it to a second -hand store, try to extend the life of the clothes, and then put them back into the production line to be made into new clothes. Also, instead of buying new clothes, everyone should first consider renting, exchanging old clothes, and second -hand.