進界 Evolutionary realm

2021 最佳商業潛力Best Market Potential
R132 賴名浩Lai, Ming Hao


靈感來源 / 設計理念

家,使人嚮往使人恐懼,童年的壓抑情緒從悲痛到平靜最終灑脫,一段情感關係,由心身感受帶入到創 作。以黑灰白作為主軸,再到廓形從窄身至傘狀變化,代表一段關係從束縛到豁達的心境轉折,設計保留 西裝廓形,融合現代流行機能元素,在正裝與創新之間取得平衡,達到傳承與創新。

Concept / Inspiration

My family makes me feel beloved and afraid. Too much repression in childhood is my past. Gradually, I turned the pain into peace. I thought the most important point is a relationship. I regard my feelings and thoughts in the depths of my heart as my inspiration. My finished products are composed of three colors - black, gray and white. The three colors are considered the main elements of my products. My products are silhouetted from being taken in to being umbrella-shaped to explain a change of mindset and mentality that is, I became open-minded. I didn’t repress myself anymore. This design retains a suit silhouette, and adds a modern element which is functional to get the balance between being formal and innovative.


收購傳統西裝店拋售毛料舒適且保暖;數位印花布料方面收購工廠零碼 poly 布料,多次面料實驗,呈 現最終效果與質感。回收報廢車輛安全帶、收購工廠斷碼織帶,提倡耗材回收改造;收購工廠廢棄編織 繩,多處可見蠟繩編織配飾設計,傳統編織工藝結合現代服裝流行元素,達到舊文化新傳承。 本系列服裝皆能拆解,實穿性與氣候因素考量,洋蔥式服裝設計,達到一衣多穿,多層次疊穿,每件服 裝都是一件單品,可與平日之服裝混搭結合,多處可拆卸式機關設計強調服裝功能實穿性。 作品中,多件服裝能自由調節寬鬆份量,並在設計中加入抽繩,貼心客戶做調節用,並能符合大多數群 眾身型之服裝;中性風格,打破舊有性別服裝之定義,穿著舒適且不失個人風格。


I purchased used woollen, digital printing and comfortable suits. I also get used car seatbelts, consumables and abandoned braided ropes. Using candle weaving process and fashionable element to achieve new creation. All of clothes in this series can be disassembled. To consider climate and practically, design with layering to achieve more different varieties. Each cloth is a single pair to match other daily clothes. Every part of design represent a function to emphasize penetration. In these fine products, several clothes can be modified to fit different figures with a drawstring. Breaking out the discrimination of gender style, in the same time, enjoy comfortable feeling and being styled.