阿德勒的早晨 Adler in the morning

2021 最佳布料使用Best Use of Fabrics
R049 童麗融Tung, Li Rung


靈感來源 / 設計理念

「世界無比單純,人人都能幸福」 靈感來自於閱讀完被討厭的勇氣這本書之後得到的啟發,阿德勒心理學讓我擁有一個以全新的角度看世 界的機會,有如晨曦一般純粹且寧靜。 我將晨曦的寧靜帶入針織布料中,運用不同厚薄的布料營造陽光灑落的層次感,以點線面的廓型概念貫 穿整個系列,利用針織結構製造百摺效果。

Concept / Inspiration

Inspired by Adler psychology: “How to free yourself, change your life and achieve real happiness.” This collection follows the process of healing myself, learning how to live freely and achieve real happiness, as pure and peaceful as the dawn.


全系列單品可自由搭配且實穿性高,使用棉成份居多的紗線織造針織布料,百褶裙則在織造時計算出所 需的用布量以減少紗線的浪費,製作過程我也利用 3D 軟體進行設計及版片的模擬來減少製作胚樣的浪 費。希望阿德勒的早晨這個系列可以在這個不安穩的世代帶給人們一些平靜及幸福。


Advocating sustainability was the backbone of this collection. Each piece was designed to be highly wearable and versatile, allowing the wearer to mix and match freely. The fabric was knitted with highly cotton constituted yarns, and when knitting the pleated skirt, the amount of yarn needed was meticulously calculated to reduce waste. Furthermore, patterns and silhouettes were rendered with 3D software to get pristine fitting while eliminating waste from sample making. During these chaotic and restless times, I hope that this collection can bring people serenity and joy.