蜃景 Mirage

2021 優勝獎Second Prize
R061 葉昱賢Yeh, Yu Hsien


靈感來源 / 設計理念

關於:如何在沙漠裡蓋一座綠洲 2020 年,牛仔很忙 世界仍舊一片蠻荒 晝夜橫行,安全無虞 透過解構 19 世紀好萊塢式的牛仔精神 以及當代工裝與街頭元素 嘗試重現文化意義在時空亂流中交匯的多種可能

Concept / Inspiration

About -How to Build an Oasis in the Desert In 2020, Cowboys are on the run, and the world is a barren land, just like the old days. Day or Night, run or fly, safe and fine . By deconstructing Cowboy spirit of the 19th Century Hollywood, contemporary tooling style and street elements, attempts to reproduce the multiple possibilities of cultural meanings in the chaos of time and space .


在牛仔、軍工裝皆十分注重的功能與機能方面,我設計了一些物件,例如皮帶、可拆組多種樣貌的釦子、 垂掛固定的鷹嘴勾和 D 字釦、彈夾包及圍裙等,反光出芽也增加服裝的安全程度。以永續性來說,除運 用不易損壞的皮革外,我認為服裝也應有多種變化來舒緩審美年限,故強調組裝及拆解。因應 19 世紀 大漠及現代氣候,斜紋、內刷毛的針織布料讓穿搭者在保暖方面有更多選擇,也藉由任意搭配的自由度, 體現《The Virginian》觸動我的一個想法「沒有絕對是非,只須遵循心中的價值信念」。此外,能直接 將包包扣合在服裝上的皮帶,是希望能減少多餘設計,擴張服裝本體的功機能性,也呼應以直球對決、 不拖泥帶水的 Virginian 本色。


Cowboy and military uniforms are very focused on function. Therefore, I designed several items, including belt, removable buckles in different ways, hang -fixed claw clasp with D shape ring, military magazine bag and apron. Reflective piping on these items also increases the safety of clothing. In terms of sustainability, in addition to using leather that is hard to damage, I think clothing should have a variety of changes to lengthen the aesthetic age limit hence emphasize assembly and dismantling. In response to the 19th century desert and present climate, twill and inner fleece knitted fabrics can allow wearers have more choice in staying warm. Also, by mixing and matching freely, it reflects me a thought from movie The Virginia that "no absolute right and wrong, just follow values and beliefs in the heart." Furthermore, the bag can directly buckle on belt on the clothing hopes to reduce the excess design, expanding the functionality of the clothing body. Meanwhile, it echoes Virginia’s direct and clean nature.