禪流 New Zen Look

2020 最佳版型運用Best Pattern Making
R112 郭恆生Kuo, Hang Sheng


靈感來源 / 設計理念

天圓地方,矩法天地,乃成規矩。進而求圓滿,求自律,是東方文化中流動 於血液中的千古韻律,將屬於華人的優雅導入版型設計,賦予具詩意與禪意之生活品質,不再因潮流的沖刷而被遺忘,而是順水推進成新的生活文化風格。

Concept / Inspiration

For thousands of years in the Far East, the Chinese have been known for their self-discipline, stringent manners, and a pursuit for excellence. This time, I am incorporating the sense of “Chinese elegance" into the design layout, which gives a poetic and Zen spin to the wearer’s quality of life. Hopefully, this design will offer inspiration beyond fast-fashion, and reflect upon the traditional Chinese design sensibility, to develop into a new hybrid toward modern cultural lifestyle.


收購剩餘的布料,將其使用在襯裡與裝飾上,提倡消耗布品的回收利用。而 為精緻生活之考量,內裡有多處內袋易收納私人物品,褲裝與裙裝腰帶內車 縫肩帶使其能方便曬衣不易變形,服裝多以抽繩綁帶為主,或以寬鬆份量做 出調節,解放女性腰圍的舒適度。


By purchasing recycled fabrics and utilizing them for linings and decorations, I want to champion the idea of sustainable fashion. Taking into consideration of those who live a chic lifestyle, the design includes extra inner pockets for keeping personal belongings. In addition, shoulder straps are sewn into trousers and skirts to prevent deformation and make drying easy and painless. The use of drawstrings, leaving room for adjustment using loose seams, will be a liberating experience for every women’s waist.