而我 我將會 被花瓣蓋滿 to be, or not

2020 最佳布料使用Best Use of Fabrics
R181 陳慶霖Chen, Ching-Lin


靈感來源 / 設計理念

靈感來自台灣的社會新聞“男警察留長髮遭受逞處”、“高中學校允許男學生在校園穿著校裙”,兩則新聞圍繞在“性別平等”、“性傾向”之議題,也是近幾年在台灣時常被拿出來討論的話題。 如果我們的社會環境是個大花園,充斥著不重顏色型態的植物、花卉,那麼當盛開期的柔軟、枯萎期的乾硬就好比這個社會的光彩面及黑暗面。 從中性的大方向去討論服裝性別,擷取了生活中“廁所標示”形狀,方形主輪廓,內容物為性別指示,讓性別議題的服裝主題不再只是用造型穿搭的角度切入。 設計細節,讓平面2D的“指示標”變成3D的“服裝”,採取了“紙袋”的概念,把活動打褶份量放在脇邊,讓服裝可以被穿著同時也保留平面懸掛的展示方式。

Concept / Inspiration

This society is like a big garden. There are many flowers in here with various types, colors and shapes. The flower is a symbol in my collection, and it has different life cycles with the texture of softness and hardness, and it reflects the bright and dark side in our society.

Concept  My inspiration is from two news happened in Taiwan, one is “Policeman fired for growing long hair”, another one is “High school allows boys to wear skirts to class”. For me, these are talking about “Gender equality” and “Sexual orientation”.

Silhouette  “Toilet Sign” clearly divides our gender. From the square form of toilet sign with man and woman figures, I transfer the “Sign” concept into my collection and make my clothes wearable, or hung on the wall as art display.

“Two spirits”, “2D and 3D“, “Appearance and Inner ”, “Front and Back”, “Soft and Hard”, “Hope and Dark”.  The words mentioned above represent my design concept, “Unisex garments” with menswear and womenswear details.





The concept of sustainability could be transferred via symbols and visual arts, then make people have different feelings and put them into practice in their life.  So, I would like to express the concept of gender via the silhouettes and tailoring details; meanwhile, it connects fashion design with social issues, not just conveys through the styling and photography.  Regarding the function, I would say the “impact” of the collection. I hope garments could be treated as unique artistic installations. Moreover, I think the role of fashion could have more possibilities in our environment and the social norm.