未來之境:絕境部落 Future of Miksars

2020 優勝獎Second Prize
R140 王翊鴻Wang, Yi Hung


靈感來源 / 設計理念

以反烏托邦電影為靈感,創造自己的故事。故事敘述主要為2074年地球經歷了第六次世界大戰後 95%的土地遭到毀滅,此時僅存的彌克薩人為了尋找居住的土地出發遠征。

Concept / Inspiration

Create my own story inspired by dystopian movies. The story is telling, in 2074, 95% of the earth's land was destroyed after the sixth world war. At this time, the only remaining Miksa set out for an expedition to find a place to live.


服裝以電影故事性的走向為繆思,大膽設想了假如在未來地球水與生機大幅減少,相較之下許多陡峭的地形形成,那麼該如何創造因應的服裝呢?全套作品大面積採用了棉成分居多且原始色的布料,搭配具有反光的出芽剪接來 因應夜晚的安全性,利用抽繩具有的伸展度來調節部位的鬆緊及可組合搭配的實用性。


It’s based on the story of movie as the muse. Imagined that if the earth's water and vitality are greatly reduced in the future, many steep terrains, how to create corresponding costumes? The full set of works uses cotton fabric in 90%. The fabric with most ingredients and original color, with reflective piping cutting to meet the safety of the night, use the drawstring to adjust the tightness of the part and the practicality of combination and matching.