母體擬象論 The Matrix Simulacra Apocalypse 母體擬象論 The Matrix Simulacra Apocalypse

2019 優勝獎Second Prize
R046 洪楷倫Kai-Lun, Hung


靈感來源 / 設計理念

未來人類文明過渡發展 ,人/機界線模糊,虛擬與現實交錯,網路媒體成為現實,人類的私慾致使環境崩潰,氣候遽變、海平面上升,末世反撲一切失序。人心扭曲;網絡媒體帶來真實末日,電子訊號及代碼盤纏人類身軀,虛擬世界將成為靈魂的載具;透過多樣文化服飾中融入機能服元素,尋找人類階級中一體兩面的差異性。

透過電影「The Matrix駭客任務」中的章魚型巡弋機器人為主軸,藉由一些元素後製重新排列組合,與理念中的新訊號盤纏人類身軀將之化為衣服上的符號,試著將這些元素重新組合為新「人因迷彩」


As the technology innovates, the boundary between human and machine becomes blurry. Climate changes drastically. Last phase caused everything goes chaos. Imagine the world full of electronic signal and codecs. Media let the human mind gets distorted. The world is full of electronic signal and codes, by using different cultures of clothing combine with functional clothing.

Inspired by the movie The Matrix, in this movie there’s two worlds, one is the fake world that we all live in, and the other one is full of chaos but is the real world. Trying to use the language of the garment, trying to define what I see in nowadays, searching for the possibility of future.

Concept / Inspiration

未來人類文明過渡發展 ,人/機界線模糊,虛擬與現實交錯,網路媒體成為現實,人類的私慾致使環境崩潰,氣候遽變、海平面上升,末世反撲一切失序。人心扭曲;網絡媒體帶來真實末日,電子訊號及代碼盤纏人類身軀,虛擬世界將成為靈魂的載具;透過多樣文化服飾中融入機能服元素,尋找人類階級中一體兩面的差異性。

透過電影「The Matrix駭客任務」中的章魚型巡弋機器人為主軸,藉由一些元素後製重新排列組合,與理念中的新訊號盤纏人類身軀將之化為衣服上的符號,試著將這些元素重新組合為新「人因迷彩」


As the technology innovates, the boundary between human and machine becomes blurry. Climate changes drastically. Last phase caused everything goes chaos. Imagine the world full of electronic signal and codecs. Media let the human mind gets distorted. The world is full of electronic signal and codes, by using different cultures of clothing combine with functional clothing.

Inspired by the movie The Matrix, in this movie there’s two worlds, one is the fake world that we all live in, and the other one is full of chaos but is the real world. Trying to use the language of the garment, trying to define what I see in nowadays, searching for the possibility of future.




Using more recycled, waterproof material or fabric, like some that I used in my collection, and trying to combine many kinds of fabric, makes my collection more human and sustainable. There will be more functional features, or details that will appear more often in the near future, and in the fashion.




Using more recycled, waterproof material or fabric, like some that I used in my collection, and trying to combine many kinds of fabric, makes my collection more human and sustainable. There will be more functional features, or details that will appear more often in the near future, and in the fashion.