Ladies,帶上傢伙來野餐 Ladies, bring your home to the picnic.

2020 入圍Finalist
R224 侯青林(中國)Hou, Qinglin (China)


靈感來源 / 設計理念

靈感來源於Leigh Bowery誇張的新浪漫主義⾵格以及我對野餐的迷戀。系列把身體變成物體,⾐服也遵循身體各個部分原本的形態進⾏再設計,並賦予其有趣的功能。巴斯爾裙擺廓形做出⼩桌布,家中印花茶杯做出的內⾐,格⼦桌布的野餐裙可以放⾹檳,長裙脫下既是野餐墊。每⼀件⾐服,身體和⼈都是野餐的⼀部分,是時尚也是物品,可以被穿著也可以被使⽤。

Concept / Inspiration

I was inspired by Leigh Bowery's exaggerated new romantic style and my own fascination with picnics. My collection transforms bodies into objects. The clothes are redesigned following the original shape of the female body and giving them interesting and new functions. Inspired by the table-like shape of the Bustle skirt, I construct- ed a skirt from small tablecloths. The bras are made of floral printed tea cups from home. The red gingham picnic skirt has two big pockets for champagne bottles and the long skirt can also be used as a picnic blanket. With each piece of clothing, the wearer is transported to a picnic. It is a collection from a world where clothes are function- al objects and objects are functional clothes.


與fashion相⽐,⾐服背後的故事更吸引我,因為故事是永續的。我希望我做的⾐服是upcycled couture,相⽐RTW每個單品更有獨特性,同時也會有couture的價值。整個系列我搜集了很多和野餐相關的⼩物件,都是家中的舊物品,⽐如⼩桌⼦,茶杯,錢包,他們已經都有著⽣命,有了新⾐服沒有的故事,⽽我要做的只是把故事在身體上延續下去。⾯料回收了很多野餐餐布,舊絲綢並⽤⼿縫定制的⽅式製作了夾克外套和很多細節,讓她的⽣命⼒可以持續更久。每⼀件物品的獨特在於她可以是⼀件⾐服,也可以是⼀件⾸飾,甚⾄是⼩的雕塑作品,材料的循環也是可逆的,格⼦餐桌布料從桌布變成⾐服,同時⼜是桌布,格⼦野餐墊是⻑裙也可以鋪在地上做成墊⼦。⽽我對⾯料和版型的設計也讓這種雙向的使⽤性和服裝的雕塑感變得實穿和舒適。


The story behind this collection attracts me to due to its sustainability. The clothes I made are to be perceived as up-cycled couture, which combines the handmade aspect of couture with sustainable methods. Throughout the series, I collected a lot of small items related to picnics that I used in constructing the garments. They are all old items I found in my home such as small and low tables, tea cups, and wallets. They all had a life and have a history that new clothes don’t have. That aspect is really interesting and as a designer, I want the stories to continue on the body. The fabric is recycled from picnic tablecloths and old silk. The majority of the collection is hand-sewn and the jackets are custom made. These elements create a sense of value to the items. The uniqueness of each item is that it can be a piece of clothing, a piece of jewellery, or even a small sculpture. Most of the garments’ use is multipurpose, for ex- ample the orange reversible gingham skirt can change into a table- cloth and be used as such. Also, the same skirt can be spread onto the ground to make a picnic blanket. My main focus was to create a collection that highlights utilisation. Clothes offer more than one purpose besides wearability.